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Hierarchy of SDM

When a CASLPO member is proposing a service and does not believe that the person is capable of being able to provide consent, a substitute decision maker would be called upon. The hierarchy of substitute decision makers is as follows:

In order to qualify as a substitute decision maker, a person must meet all of the following criteria:

In order to determine who is the highest ranking substitute decision maker, the CASLPO member simply has to ask the person if they are aware of any higher ranked substitute. Normally one gets consent from the highest ranked substitute unless:

Guidelines for SDM

The substitute decision maker must make decisions based on the person's known wishes, whether verbal or written. However, these wishes must have been expressed while the person was capable and was at least 16 years old. If there are no known wishes or if it is impossible to comply with those wishes, the substitute decision maker (SDM) must make the decision based on the incapable person's best interests. In doing so, the SDM must take into consideration the following: